Blue Enamelware

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The Enamelware iHorn is made from a blue enamelware funnel.  This multifunctional device, should be limited to a single purpose use at one time.  Enamelware was typically manufactured sometime between the late 1800’s up to the end of World War II.  The first two big US companies making enamel homewares were founded by migrants from Europe in the 1860s.  Frederick and William Niedringhaus built up the St. Louis Stamping Co. in Missouri, then moved graniteware production to Granite City, Illinois.  They later evolved into NESCO, whose grey enamel was sometimes said to flow from "pure melted granite." They got the first US patent for a mottled enamel finish. A funnel is a useful tool, ideally shaped for the transfer of all kinds of substances, but equally wonderful for the amplification of sound.  Appropriate for a kitchen, it is both small enough and durable enough to be a mobile amplification system. 

The Enamelware iHORN is pure Americana and functional at its core.