Corbel French Horn

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The Corbel French Horn iHorn is made from a vintage French horn of uncertain date.  The name "French horn" is found only in English, first coming into use in the late 17th century. At that time, French makers were preeminent in the manufacture of hunting horns, and were credited with creating the now-familiar, circular "hoop" shape of the instrument. More recently, the International Horn Society has recommended since 1971 that the instrument be simply called the “horn.”  The most famous French Horn songs are all classical pieces such as Mozart Horn Concertos 1-4 and Beethoven’s Horn Sonata. 

The base for The Corbel French Horn iHorn is an antique corbel.  As initially intended, a corbel was an architectural piece jutting from a wall to help carry the weight.  Corbels have been used since Neolithic times . . . read The Stone Age.  Originally, corbels had a plain appearance, but those of the early English period were sometimes elaborate in their design and carvings.  Today, building techniques have largely eliminated the need for corbels as structural mandates, instead they are almost entirely decorative.

The Corbel French Horn iHorn is a piece which is unique in interpretation of sound and history.  It bridges genres and incorporates visual acuity with classical symphonic intonations.  It is truly a one of a kind labor of love representing commitment, hope and prosperity.