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The BG1 iHorn is made from a 1926 Grigsby-Grunow-Hinds Company (“GGH”) radio horn.  The horn is translucent tortoise shell in appearance.  It is a one of a kind iHorn as these are incredibly collectible.   GGH began in 1921 with four partners forming the Chicago-based auto parts firm of Grigsby-Grunow-Hinds. By 1925, the company was producing "Majestic" battery eliminators, but this business was soon threatened with obsolescence by the development of AC tubes and socket-powered radios. As a result, in 1928, they turned to manufacturing radios, selling under the Majestic trade name.  In March of 1928, they raised $1.1 million in a public offering of 29,000 $40 shares. They used the proceeds to finance expansion. All this was just in time to catch a rapid updraft in the fortunes of the radio industry. Hinds and the younger brother Grigsby sold out, and the company became Grigsby-Grunow.   Not shy about the quality of their product, GGH’s advertising campaign for their reproducers was "Only the Leader Can Better His Handiwork."  The BG1 iHorn whole not perfect, is so rare as to require overlooking those imperfections.  Its look and sound are majestic.  Indulge yourself – be royal.