The Grinder

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The Grinder iHorn is made from an antique Coffee Grinder and antique funnel.  Legend has it that coffee was discovered by a Goat herder in Ethiopia prior to the 15th Century.  Its cultivation and commercial trade began on the Arabian Peninsula.  By the 16th Century coffee was known in Arabia, Persia, Egypt, Syria and Turkey.  By the 17th Century, it had made its way to Europe.  The Dutch brought coffee to “New Amsterdam” nka New York by the mid-1600’s. It was a bean on the move.Coffee remains today huge business.  It is forecasted that by 2025, worldwide coffee with be a $64,820,000,000.00 industry. People like a cup’o’joe.  Believe what you want, the best part of waking up appears to be coffee in your cup!  So while you are enjoying your morning brew, do so while listening to the creamy sounds of The Grinder iHorn.