The Offenback

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The Offenbach iHorn is a one of a kind iHorn made from a 1925 Mozart Baby Grand radio horn, which was private labeled to Offenbach Electric Company.  Little information is available regarding the Mozart Grand Company or Offenbach Electric Company.  While little history is known, the advertising by Mozart Grand survived.  In 1925, the Baby Grand sold for $12.00.  It was advertised as “The Perfect Christmas Gift.”  The advertisement in part stated,

            “You, of course, desire to give the best you can afford and if any Mozart product     comes within your price limit you will always have the satisfaction of knowing that you gave the best.”

            Today, it is no different.  As in 1924, The Offenbach iHorn is the best.  Whether a gift for another, or one for yourself, with The Offenbach iHorn you will always have the satisfaction of knowing that you gave or have is the best.