The Sangamo

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The Sangamo iHorn is an early 1900’s table top electric meter.  It was used to record electricity usage.  The Sangamo Electric Co. manufactured  electrical meters, time switches and sonar and radio equipment, among other items, in Springfield from the 1890s until 1978. Sangamo was an offshoot of the Illinois Watch Co., and its Springfield facility generally was the watch company’s former factory, which took up four square blocks.  Sangamo produced anti-submarine sonar  and mica and paper capacitors, as well as watt-hour meters, during World War II, and the company’s employment jumped — from 1,200 locally in 1929 to more than 3,000 in 1943. Company sales amounted to $68 million in 1966, and total employment totaled 4,800. The Sangamo iHorn is industrial and practical.  It is ingenuity in a practical form which was made in America and to survive the ravages of time.  No need to meter your reaction.